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Appendix A − Powerbase as an Impulse server
The following is a description of the Impulse “methods” understood by
Powerbase, given in the standard format recommended by Computer Concepts.
Users wishing to write their own Impulse tasks to communicate with Powerbase
will need this information. They will also need details of the SWIs to which
Impulse will respond, and this information is obtainable from Computer
{methods: GetPathname
Selection <string>
ParseQuery <string>
GetField <tag>
ExpandCode <string>
GetExpanded <string>
GetPathname specifies an “object” i.e. a Powerbase database. If Powerbase
has the required database open it replies with the full pathname of the
object, otherwise it returns an error message. Example of use:
:Powerbase !Elements GetPathname (returns pathname of !Elements)
R6 points to pathname when calling task is decoding reply.
Selection <string> tells Powerbase about a field, or group of fields, in
which the caller is interested. The fields are specified as a list of tags,
separated by any suitable character (e.g. “/” or “,”). The same separator
must appear at the very end of the tag-list. Powerbase replies with the
maximum data-length of the combined fields in the selection. Example of
:Powerbase Selection NAME/SYM/Z/
R6 points to a string which gives data-length.
ParseQuery <string> informs Powerbase of the criteria to be used in
selecting records to transmit to the caller. The parameter is a standard
Powerbase search formula and Powerbase replies with the title which would
normally appear at the head of one of its printed lists. Example of use:
:Powerbase ParseQuery GP=T
R6 points to returned title.
GetField <tag> requests from Powerbase the data in the specified field of
the next record which matches the preceding ParseQuery command. When
Powerbase replies to the GetField command the calling task should respond
with an Impulse_FetchData, specifying the address and length of the buffer
to be used, and then wait for an Impulse_Receive event (reason code &204)
before reading the buffer. Example of use:
:Powerbase GetField NAME
GetRecord [<key>] (The square brackets signify that the key is optional:
they are not part of the command.) Sent without a key it requests from
Powerbase the next record which matches the preceding ParseQuery command. If
the primary key of a record in the database is appended then Powerbase will
return the record corresponding to that key. The key must be separated from
the GetRecord by a space. The calling task must follow the procedure
described above for GetField. Powerbase will transmit the fields specified
in the Selection command, using the same separator as was used in that
command. Receipt of data may be followed by another GetRecord command,
returning the next matching record and so on, a zero-length response
signifying that there are no more matching records. If using keys to request
specific records you should end by sending *** as a key to tell Powerbase
that the dialogue is finished. This command and the one below operate only
on Subfile 0 of the Powerbase database. Example of use:
:Powerbase GetRecord ACTI
PutRecord informs Powerbase that the caller wishes to write a record to the
current Powerbase database. It should be sent as message type &200. A
Selection command should have been previously sent to tell Powerbase what
fields to expect and what separator is to be used. Powerbase will then reply
with a GetRecord command (reason code &201) which the caller should
acknowledge with message type &202, specifying the maximum length of the
data which will be sent. Wait for event &203 which is a request by Powerbase
for the caller to transmit the data. The caller should then do so with
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Impulse_TransmitData, specifying the buffer address and the length of data
being sent. This may be immediately followed by another PutRecord.
ExpandCode <string> requests the expanded form of a code used in a field
linked to a validation table. The parameter string consists of the code
itself, then a space, then the name of the validation table with the column
number appended. Example of use:
:Powerbase ExpandCode T Group0
GetExpanded <string> combines the functions of GetField and ExpandCode, i.e.
it requests the expanded form of the contents of a specified field. The
parameter is the tag of the field. It is not necessary to supply the name of
the validation table or number of the linked column since Powerbase can
determine these from the entry in the Link file linking the field to the
table. By default the second column of the table (i.e. column 1) is used to
supply the expanded string, but this may be overrridden by appending the
relevant column number preceded by a comma as in the second example.
Remember that the first column is numbered 0. Examples of use:
:Powerbase GetExpanded GP :Powerbase GetExpanded GP,2
NextMatch is designed to remove the restriction whereby only the data from a
single record can be merged into a given document. All it does is tell
Powerbase to access the next record matching the search formula in the Merge
window and interpret subsequent Merge commands by taking data from that
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