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- ===========================================
- Appendix A − Powerbase as an Impulse server
- ===========================================
- The following is a description of the Impulse “methods” understood by
- Powerbase, given in the standard format recommended by Computer Concepts.
- Users wishing to write their own Impulse tasks to communicate with Powerbase
- will need this information. They will also need details of the SWIs to which
- Impulse will respond, and this information is obtainable from Computer
- Concepts.
- {methods: GetPathname
- Selection <string>
- ParseQuery <string>
- GetField <tag>
- GetRecord
- PutRecord
- ExpandCode <string>
- GetExpanded <string>
- NextMatch
- Description:
- GetPathname specifies an “object” i.e. a Powerbase database. If Powerbase
- has the required database open it replies with the full pathname of the
- object, otherwise it returns an error message. Example of use:
- :Powerbase !Elements GetPathname (returns pathname of !Elements)
- R6 points to pathname when calling task is decoding reply.
- Selection <string> tells Powerbase about a field, or group of fields, in
- which the caller is interested. The fields are specified as a list of tags,
- separated by any suitable character (e.g. “/” or “,”). The same separator
- must appear at the very end of the tag-list. Powerbase replies with the
- maximum data-length of the combined fields in the selection. Example of
- use:
- :Powerbase Selection NAME/SYM/Z/
- R6 points to a string which gives data-length.
- ParseQuery <string> informs Powerbase of the criteria to be used in
- selecting records to transmit to the caller. The parameter is a standard
- Powerbase search formula and Powerbase replies with the title which would
- normally appear at the head of one of its printed lists. Example of use:
- :Powerbase ParseQuery GP=T
- R6 points to returned title.
- GetField <tag> requests from Powerbase the data in the specified field of
- the next record which matches the preceding ParseQuery command. When
- Powerbase replies to the GetField command the calling task should respond
- with an Impulse_FetchData, specifying the address and length of the buffer
- to be used, and then wait for an Impulse_Receive event (reason code &204)
- before reading the buffer. Example of use:
- :Powerbase GetField NAME
- GetRecord [<key>] (The square brackets signify that the key is optional:
- they are not part of the command.) Sent without a key it requests from
- Powerbase the next record which matches the preceding ParseQuery command. If
- the primary key of a record in the database is appended then Powerbase will
- return the record corresponding to that key. The key must be separated from
- the GetRecord by a space. The calling task must follow the procedure
- described above for GetField. Powerbase will transmit the fields specified
- in the Selection command, using the same separator as was used in that
- command. Receipt of data may be followed by another GetRecord command,
- returning the next matching record and so on, a zero-length response
- signifying that there are no more matching records. If using keys to request
- specific records you should end by sending *** as a key to tell Powerbase
- that the dialogue is finished. This command and the one below operate only
- on Subfile 0 of the Powerbase database. Example of use:
- :Powerbase GetRecord ACTI
- PutRecord informs Powerbase that the caller wishes to write a record to the
- current Powerbase database. It should be sent as message type &200. A
- Selection command should have been previously sent to tell Powerbase what
- fields to expect and what separator is to be used. Powerbase will then reply
- with a GetRecord command (reason code &201) which the caller should
- acknowledge with message type &202, specifying the maximum length of the
- data which will be sent. Wait for event &203 which is a request by Powerbase
- for the caller to transmit the data. The caller should then do so with
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- Impulse_TransmitData, specifying the buffer address and the length of data
- being sent. This may be immediately followed by another PutRecord.
- ExpandCode <string> requests the expanded form of a code used in a field
- linked to a validation table. The parameter string consists of the code
- itself, then a space, then the name of the validation table with the column
- number appended. Example of use:
- :Powerbase ExpandCode T Group0
- GetExpanded <string> combines the functions of GetField and ExpandCode, i.e.
- it requests the expanded form of the contents of a specified field. The
- parameter is the tag of the field. It is not necessary to supply the name of
- the validation table or number of the linked column since Powerbase can
- determine these from the entry in the Link file linking the field to the
- table. By default the second column of the table (i.e. column 1) is used to
- supply the expanded string, but this may be overrridden by appending the
- relevant column number preceded by a comma as in the second example.
- Remember that the first column is numbered 0. Examples of use:
- :Powerbase GetExpanded GP :Powerbase GetExpanded GP,2
- NextMatch is designed to remove the restriction whereby only the data from a
- single record can be merged into a given document. All it does is tell
- Powerbase to access the next record matching the search formula in the Merge
- window and interpret subsequent Merge commands by taking data from that
- record.
- }
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